October 2022: Streamlines Receives Innovate UK Grant
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Streamlines Wins Smart Grant Funding
Streamlines is delighted to announce it's one of 2022's recipients of Innovate's UK's - the UK's Innovation Agency - smart grants in the value of £466k over 18 months
Streamlines is bringing rider aerodynamic optimisation to the mass cycling market. They have created two small devices, an aerodynamic drag and a body position sensor. Each can simply attach to a bicycle and allow a cyclist to measure their aerodynamic drag as they ride and learn how they can subtly alter their body position to reduce their aerodynamic drag.
Generally, over 60-90% of a cyclist's energy is consumed by aerodynamic drag, and most of this drag comes the rider position, not the bicycle. Improvements to aerodynamics allow any cyclist to travel faster, further, and with less effort.
Currently, the only way to accurately measure a cyclist's aerodynamic drag is in a wind tunnel or on a velodrome, both of which are expensive and out of reach for even most bike racers, let alone recreational cyclists. Streamlines has created an accurate system for measuring aerodynamic drag and body position on the road in a variety of conditions.
Streamlines uses a new style of aerodynamic probe, co-invented by Streamlines founder John Buckley. This probe is derived from Formula One technology but is specifically designed for the turbulence and wind angles seen in cycling. Combining this probe with body sensing technology, repeatable measurements within an accuracy of 1% can be achieved in as little as 3 minutes.
Streamlines consistently measures aerodynamic drag for a cyclist in outdoor conditioning and has been used in training by olympic medal winning cyclists. This project will simplify a user's interaction with this technology so it becomes suitable for everyday cycling while broadening its applicability to electric vehicles and wind energy.
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